CNC Machining Capabilities

CNC Machining

At Star Rapid, we use advanced equipment to offer you a variety of CNC machining services including milling, turning, EDM, wire EDM, surface grinding and much more. Using our imported 3, 4 and 5-axis CNC machining centers, our skilled machinists can make turned and milled parts using a wide range of plastic and metal materials. We also have a strong supply chain that can scale with your project needs. 

CNC Machining


We can manufacture your CNC machined prototypes and parts out of almost any material that can be purchased on the open market. If you submit a special request, we can use a specific material that you provide. Our CNC machining materials table lists the high-quality materials we commonly use in our facilities.

Materials & Tolerances


Our general tolerances for CNC machining of metals is DIN-2768-1-fine and for plastics is DIN-2768-1-medium. Tolerances are greatly affected by part geometry and type of material. Our project managers will consult with you on every part of your project and will seek to provide the highest degree of precision possible.

CNC Milling Machines

#BrandModelTypeMax X, Y and Z-Axis Travel (mm)
1CuttingCT-600Vertical 3-axis mill600 x 500 x 300
1CuttingCT-1000Vertical 3-axis mill1000 x 600 x 400
4 FeelerVMP23AVertical 3-axis mill580 x 420 x 510
7Haas*VF-2SSVertical 3-axis mill762 x 406 x 508
2HaasVF-2SSVertical 5-axis mill350 x 350 x 508
180 x 180 x 508
1Haas*VF-5/40Vertical 3-axis mill1270 x 660 x 635
2HaasDT-1Vertical 5-axis mill180 x 180 x 394
4Haas*DT-1Vertical drill/tap508 x 406 x 394
2HurcoVM20iVertical 3-axis mill1016 x 508 x 508

*All Haas machines can be fitted with a rotary table for an additional axis of travel

CNC Turning Machines

#BrandModelTypeMax Diameter (mm)Max Length (mm)
Bar Diameter (mm)
2Haas (with barfeeders)ST-20YTurning Mill30553351

CNC Turning Machines

#BrandModelTypeMax X, Y and Z-Axis Travel (mm)
1AgieCharmillesFW2U EDM EDM wire cutter500 x 400 x 250
1AgieCharmillesSA20 EDM EDM sink machine350 x 250 x 250
1SodickAD30LsEDM sink machine350 x 250 x 270

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Get in contact and we can help find a solution for your next project. 

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