Prototype Manufacturing

Insights on Prototype Manufacturing
From Design to Finish

Star Rapid

The Foundation of CNC Machining for Product Development

Download Star Rapid’s CNC machining white paper to learn about the advantages and limitations of CNC turning and milling.

Roadmapping Your Product Development Journey

Download our step by step guide today to learn how to take your design idea to reality and how to save time and money during the process. 

Design For Manufacturing

Learning how to design for manufacturing for plastic injection molding is an important step in the journey of product development. Addressing issues before you start making the product will help save time and money. 

MicaSense being laser etched, Star Rapid
Star Rapid

Plastic Injection Molding Design Advice

Metal 3D Printing Training​

Designing for 3D printing is a unique process that differs than traditional machining. We offer online videos to help prepare you with the knowledge to be successful on your next project. Learn more.

How To Write A Manufacturing Enquiry​

Ready to start your next project? To get your competitive quote quickly, follow these few simple guidelines. Learn more.

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