A boss is a post or pillar that will hold a screw for attaching pieces together. Like other features, a boss can add thermal pass to a part and this causes sink marks. We advise that you carefully follow design best practices.
- Leave a radius at the base, between 25-50% of the wall thickness.
- Attach the boss to an adjacent external wall using a rib for support.
- Strengthen the boss with gussets for high-stress applications.
- Make the boss no taller than 3X the outside diameter.
- A minimum draft angle on the outside should be 1/2°. You can use less draft on the inside of the hole if it’s really needed, but then you must ensure that the tool and core have been well-polished.
- Don’t locate two (or more) bosses any closer than twice the adjacent wall thickness.

Bosses represent additional thermal mass in the part. They must be designed carefully to avoid creating sink marks.